Thursday, September 6, 2012

Romney Put to Good Use

Remember they said only President Nixon (growly Republican) could make nice with China (teeth-baring Communists) without giving away the store? Wobbly peacenik-pinko-Dems wouldn't stand a chance. A chance, anyway,if not with the Chinese, then definitely not with public opinion, American voters.

Now, in the same way, Romney, if, God forbid, he wins (sorry, Republicans) could do one thing for us: address the fact that there are more young black men in prison than in college. That statistic may not be strictly true. But it's close and it's campaign season so I refuse to be cowed by narrow-minded, sour fact-checkers.
Anyway, it's something ludicrous like that. And ludicrous because of the often minimal, drug- related crimes they've been put away for. So bad in fact, it's been said; What is the American prison system? Cheap housing for blacks.
Now you may say why hasn't our First Black President addressed this burning issue?
Ha. The problem is our First Black President is black. Well, he's seldom called black. He's a Liberal, European Socialist, Community-organizing Moslem terrorist, Kenya Welfare King, Islamic militant. With the Kansas Granny. (Diabolical!)

This is where Romney comes in. If Obama is seldom called black, Romney is almost never called Mormon. So being another Other doesn't seem to weigh him down much. With his smooth white brow, chiseled chin and clear American gaze, he  is so far on the white side of the spectrum he almost falls off. His tall white sons stand stalwartly round him- no sniffling mushy liberal he, needing to be a Dad to errant inner city strays.
But Obama? Obama speaking up for incarcerated, young black brothers? Oh my. Just channel your inner Fox News and I hope you can sleep tonight.

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