Sunday, December 6, 2009

Motes Orchids on Facebook!

Motes Orchids is on Facebook !

By the way, a reviewer in the Times Literary Supplement states that exclamation marks are absolutely OK on the internet, in fact, required! They add emotion and life. This is a great relief as in paper letters exclamation marks come across as hyper teenage tics. So - Who Knew!!!!

Right- so here's a shout out to Motes Orchids on Face book which looks so pretty and bright - pixs of beautiful orchids - many of which are ours - (just saying!) And lively comment. We should have done this years ago!!! But better late than never !!!

Note: Now need justification for the use of the dash - I do love it. !!!


  1. Wonderful!!!!! (But I don't know what to do with "Select profile.")

  2. Ann- Thanks for the comment! Exclamation mark!!Not sure either about all the rules governing this operation- sometimes better to keep in touch via the email address(see front page of blog!!) Maryo small!
