Sunday, December 6, 2009

'Tis the Season

Apart from my bit on Motes Orchids and Face Book, it has been twelve days since my last blog... Sounds as if I'm writing this with a quill pen, in my cabin, as the ship drifts becalmed, sails torn, food running low...

In fact, it IS a bit like that, becalmed by such modest thoughts as: Who do I think I am? And buffeted by the question: Isn't this always about me? (Cheering quote from Oscar Wilde, who enjoyed talking about nothing: -"... it's the only thing I know anything about.")

But now is the season for deep thoughts about Giving and Society and Commercialism and Stuff- (as in having too much.)
Once more, I didn't purchase the UNICEF Christmas cards - always leave it too late - but did get two lovely boxes of elegant little cards with colored envelopes, (no less) - 20 for 3.99 at T J Maxx - and have promised myself will donate the extra to a Charity of My Choice.

That would be Oxfam, though there are so many good ones now. Oxfam started as a reaction by a bunch of professors at Oxford, if I remember rightly, incensed that out of every pound sterling raised for charity, about eighty percent was spent raising money for charity.

Now, of course, Oxfam and my other glam charity, Doctors without Borders, in response to my modest contribution, send me enough paper work to feed a goat for a month.

How far away are we from the Victorians? How many generations? In the nineteenth century London was like Calcutta: Oliver Twist and Slumdog Millionaire. A question of skirting the overwhelming poverty and averting the eyes. I wonder if our great grand children will look back and ask How could you? How could you walk past your television screens, on your way to the fridge, or feeding the dog, saying the problem is just too big. And we will answer: it seemed OK and quite normal at the time.


  1. To sacrifice ourselves for others is a hard choice to make

  2. Ok, on a lighter note. How are your Vandas doing?

    I have found with the extended warm weather that we have had this year that my Vandas are growing faster and blooming more.

    I have some that are now on their fourth bloom in the last six months.

    Have you had the same experience?

  3. Yes, hard choices-that's why we need the therapy of plants- Glad your vandas like the warmth- we find that they bud more in the winter when you get the occasional cold snap - the temp. contrast gets them cracking but how wonderful not to have to worry about the cold. And yes, we did have a lot of bloom over the summer- when we weren't open! Mary

  4. I was walking in my garden this morning and I discovered more spikes. Normally, I have been lucky to get my Mokara Moonlight to bloom once each summer. Right now, its second set of blooms are just starting to fall. To my suprise, I found two more spikes just starting to peek out. This hybrid is different that most of my vandas in that it nearly always has two spikes at a time, side by side. Although not an award winning hybrid, it has very long lasting "tangerine" colored blooms. The plant has gotten quite large. Soon it will be too large for me to deal with it.

  5. Sounds like more evidence of global warming! Mary

  6. It could be. Although I agree with you about the cold snaps helping the Vanda's to bloom. Although this seems to work particularly well with the blue ones.

    Also, I have never been able to get my Ascocenda Mary's Lemon Drop to bloom in the winter, (although I have three in bloom now which is unusual for me with this plant and Dec 21 is getting close. I am very interesting to see if I will get any more spikes on these before next Spring. I have never had them bloom in winter before). Although they bloom profusely in the warmest months of the year.

    I am sure you have grown plenty of these. What has been your experience?

  7. Well, are you getting your orchids ready for the cold?
